Month: September 2021

young woman, young, student

“How You Walk Between Classes Shows Me How Much You Want To Learn”

Believe it or not, I heard this quote the other day while I was watching a baseball game. The color commentator, who, as color commentators usually are, is a former major league ballplayer, said it in reference to his belief that it is important for new, young ballplayers on a struggling team to show that …

“How You Walk Between Classes Shows Me How Much You Want To Learn” Read More »

question mark, note, request

Why Memorization Gets Such a Bad Rap – And What You Can Do to Change It

In my first post about memorization, which I wrote just after the death of Alex Trebek, I used the example of Jeopardy! to prove that there’s more to memorization than simply knowing the facts. I stressed that what makes Jeopardy! clues so varied, interesting, and memorable is that while some of them do only test …

Why Memorization Gets Such a Bad Rap – And What You Can Do to Change It Read More »

book, bored, college

Settle In to a New School Year – Without Settling Into Old Patterns

In my last post, I wrote about the fresh start a new school year provides, and the opportunity it gives you to make changes that can help you see greater success than before. Since I hadn’t done so at the beginning of the previous school year, I focused on the beginning of the first grading …

Settle In to a New School Year – Without Settling Into Old Patterns Read More »

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