If At First You Don’t Succeed…

You may recall that a few weeks ago, I wrote about the launch of my membership site. As with many things you may have experienced along your study skills journey and many things I have experienced both on my own study skills journey and through my journey to build this website, the launch did not go according to plan. You may have wondered why so much time has passed, not just between my first attempt to launch the membership site and now, but also between my most recent blog post and this one. While I have added additional tips and strategies to both my original strategies page and my first membership one, I have not written any new blog posts, because my main focus these past few weeks has been on solving the issues with the launch. After many stops and starts, consultations with and assistance from several experts, and some changes made to the site, I am ready to try again. This time, in addition to an invitation to sign up through the link on my homepage, I will include the payment link at the end of this post – one of the many new things I have learned throughout this process!

As I mentioned in my previous post about the launch of the membership site, becoming a member of my site now will give you access to even more valuable tips, tricks, strategies, ideas and examples that you can use, not only through the rest of the summer, but through next school year as well. As always, my goal will be to give you more ideas and opportunities to develop your study skills. Just as it is my hope that you will use my site to continue to develop your study skills throughout the summer and beyond, so I will now use my time to further develop my technology skills so that I can continue to make improvements to my site. In addition to adding more content to the site, I will do all I can to learn ways to better present it, so that you will have a greater variety of options to choose from to improve your study skills.

By now, you may be wondering why I am choosing to share my difficulties with the membership site launch with you. If you have not already realized this, or do not remember that I have mentioned it in previous posts, one of my goals, not just with this site, but throughout my entire teaching career, has always been to be an example to students who face challenges and obstacles that they can be overcome. I like using my strengths, such as writing, to help students overcome their challenges, but I like even more being able to remind them that they are not the only ones who face challenges. While many of you have learned to use technology to overcome your challenges, for me, technology is, and has always been, one of my challenges. Just as I have encouraged you to seek help in many different ways and from many different sources when it comes to academics, so I have always had to do when it comes to technology. At times, it has been overwhelming to ask for help, and it has not always been easy to take the very advice I have been giving you, but just as I always tell you, my only unacceptable option was giving up. The more I have worked on the content of this website, the more passionate about it I have become, so no matter any technological issues and obstacles I may face, I will not lose sight of my goal to share as much of my knowledge, insights, and passion as I possibly can with you.

Just as I did in my previous post about the launch of the membership site, I will end this post by once again extending an invitation for you to subscribe to it. I will also remind you that because the membership is for a year, you will be able to access not just the additional information I will post, but also all the improvements I will continue to make to how it is presented. As I have said before, I have a lot more to share, and I can’t wait to learn more and better ways to do it, as I continue to give you more and better ways to study. As I said at the beginning of this post, you now have two ways to sign up: you can head to my homepage for the link, or you can follow the link right here. Whichever way you choose to do it, I am looking forward to welcoming you as an official member of Study Skills Your Way!


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