Though I have already mentioned it in previous posts, I cannot overstate the importance of following directions to having good study skills and increasing your chances at success. Though you may find it tempting to tune out your teachers’ oral directions and/or ignore or gloss over their written ones, making a concerted effort to follow them instead is a much wiser course of action. The same principle applies to any materials they use for assignments or tests that they take from your textbooks or other published materials. Whatever you are working on and whatever the source, following directions is key. In this post, I will discuss ways to improve your ability to follow directions, so you can better appreciate the role it plays, not only in your current studies, but also in your future success.
One way to improve your ability to follow directions is to recognize that both oral and written directions are important, and neither should be overlooked in favor of the other. Those of you who struggle with one type of directions may have paperwork that requires your teachers to provide the other type of directions for you, but that does not mean you should not still try to read or listen to directions that might be more difficult for you to understand. The more you are able to receive directions in different ways, the better your understanding of them will be, and the more prepared you will be to follow them. If your teacher is giving directions orally and you have a written version in front of you, try your best to both listen and follow along, no matter what your preferred modality is. If you do this and you still need clarification, ask to have the directions repeated, explained, or both. If a classmate asks a question about the directions, be sure to listen, even if you think you know what you are supposed to do, and if your teacher provides you or your classmate a clarification that sounds helpful, write it down! The more information you have when you get to work, the better.
Another way to improve your ability to follow directions is to provide yourself reminders. Whether that means writing down oral directions so you don’t forget them, writing down the extra things your teachers say about their expectations for certain assignments, or highlighting and/or marking the steps of written directions so you remember to follow them completely and correctly, it is helpful to take whatever extra steps you need to take. Intending to follow directions and actually doing it are two separate things. Even though it may seem like taking extra steps to ensure that you follow directions is a waste of time, it will pay off when you start to see improved results on assignments and tests, and receiving credit for the work you do when you follow directions sure beats losing credit because you didn’t follow directions! As time- consuming as it seems at first, ensuring that you follow directions can become routine, and the more able you are to make following directions routine, the less time-consuming it will be.
Perhaps the most important thing to remember about following directions is that making it routine means remembering to do it at all times. No matter the subject, no matter the type of directions, and no matter if they seem too easy or too hard, all directions need to be followed. Everything from putting your name on your paper to showing your work in math to following the steps in the writing process or the scientific method is a direction that needs to be followed. Therefore, it is not only important to take the necessary steps to understand what you are to do and to follow through while you work, it is also important to check over what you’ve done before you turn your work in to make sure you did what you set out to do. Rereading the directions and whatever reminders you’ve given yourself and making sure you’ve applied them throughout your assignment will help you receive all the credit you deserve, as will making sure your name is on your paper!
These are just some of the many ways you can improve your ability to follow directions, as well as to recognize how important they are to your study skills and to your overall success, both in and out of school. Making following directions routine means recognizing that they are there to help you, not to frustrate you or hold you back. Making the effort to follow them and being willing to ask for clarification when you need it is one of the best ways to show your teachers that you appreciate what they are doing to help you learn, and that you are willing to do what it takes to do your best. Even if it takes time for you to remember to follow directions more consistently, recognizing that you need to do it is a great place to start. The more you remember to follow directions, and the more you apply these tips and any others you are given to improve your ability to follow directions, the more natural it will become, and the more natural it becomes, the more successful at it you will be.