Study Skills Your Way

Everyday Study Skills Solutions on the Road to Success!

What do you think of when you hear the term “study skills?” Do you think of note-taking methods? Do you think of test-taking skills? Do you think of organizational skills, such as keeping track of assignments or planning ahead for long-term assignments? Do you think of reading comprehension, writing, and editing, or math skills? Do you think of following directions and checking over your work?

If you answered “yes” to one or more, or even all, of these questions, or if you thought of other ideas that are not listed here, then you know that study skills are all of these things, and so many more – study skills are all the skills you need to succeed to the best of your ability – both in school and in life.

As a special education teacher for over twenty years, I found study skills to be my very favorite thing to teach, and I particularly enjoyed helping my students apply study skills to their assigned work. For me, study skills were never about one particular method or program, and it was never about the belief that any single method or program was the right answer for every student. I always believed that study skills was about teaching my students how to take every method, program, strategy, idea, or suggestion offered to them and figure out what would work best for them- and that is what I hope this website will allow me to do for you!

In addition to blogging about study skills and strategies I have found particularly helpful as both a student and a teacher, I plan to fill my site with lessons about how to apply them, both in school and at home. I am very much looking forward to sharing my love of study skills with you – so you can find your “everyday study skills solutions on the road to success!”

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