Let’s discuss specific skills and strategies.
I said it before, and I’ll say it again: “the devil is in the details.” So, you may be asking yourself: just what are these details? In this third and final introductory post, I will tell you more about the different types of information you will be able to find on my site, both in upcoming blog posts and on the strategies page. Some of you will rely more on the blog, while others will rely more on the strategies. Most of you, however, will probably rely on a combination of both, because you will find that different things will speak to you at different times. That is not only okay – it is expected! The most important thing to remember about improving your study skills is that it is a process and a journey that is unique to you. Teachers spend varying amounts of time on study skills, depending on subject, grade level, teaching style, course expectations, and many other factors. The goal of my blog and my site is not just to say what they don’t say – it is also to do what they don’t do. Whenever you find that you need a boost in a skill or a strategy that will help you do better with your work so you can meet your teachers’ expectations, Study Skills Your Way will be there to offer advice, suggestions, and tricks to help you apply what you’ve learned in class and show your teachers what you know.
The blog will focus more on study skills. It will offer practical advice on topics such as organization and time management, as well as encouragement and emotional support meant to help you build confidence. The strategies page will focus more on specific subjects and the tips, tricks, and strategies you can use to overcome the challenges you may face with them. It is my hope that taking these two things together will help you achieve greater success.